1.) Needle Felting: my sister taught me this little craft before we left for my brother's wedding, and it is only a short time before tiny animals take over my bedroom. Fox is my second creation and is now my personal mascot.

2.) Canning: the first thing I did when I returned to Seattle was visit the Ballard Farmer's Market. This weekly ritual always makes me feel a little more human in this big city and there's tons of beautiful, local produce. And who could say no to a whole flat of ripe raspberries! They simply begged to be turned into jam. So I embarked on my first canning experience and threw in some tomato sauce at the end.
And of course, 3.) Blogging: I finally found the time and motivation to start this thing rolling. I have also spent an ungodly amount of time drooling over other people's cute blogs. I mostly blame my sister and sister-in-law for this newfound addiction. Hours of my life slip away checking out crafty things here and delicious recipes there. You can find some very useful tutorials on said blogs, if you just keep your wits about you. I've posted some of my favorite links so you too can be sucked into the vortex that is craftster blogs.
That fox is about the cutest thing ever!
I'm glad I can keep up with you on here, but we also need to do some serious catching up some time soon!
does fox keep out other produce-consuming animals, or does he sit around and sneak bits of lettuce and pepper?
great blog!
I am so glad to get a little window into your life! I don't remember how long it's been since I've seen you, but I know it's been a while. Both of our lives have changed quite a bit, I'm sure. I enjoyed reading all about your garden. We planted a garden for the third summer this year, but due to the two moves that we made this summer, we didn't have much time to tend it. I want to learn needle felting so that I can make cute little animals and fruits and veggies for Clara. I LOVE your little fox!
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